Todd’s Tours

2024 Me/We Tour

It’s concert tour time again! Todd has asked the Spirit of Harmony to have an information table at each show of the upcoming tour and we invite you to join us as a SOHF volunteer. Volunteers are responsible to purchase their own tickets to the show, but all printed material and swag will be provided by the Foundation. There is no fundraising at the tables–no monetary donations are solicited or accepted.

Volunteering will require that you report to the theater when doors open, which varies with each venue but is usually an hour before the showtime. Before each show, we will send an email with that information and any other pertinent details.  Volunteers are asked to remain at the SOHF table from the time they arrive at the venue until just before the show begins, and to come out again to the table during intermission. As representatives of Todd’s Spirit of Harmony Foundation, we expect all volunteers to familiarize themselves with and abide by our instruction information, which will be distributed closer to the beginning of the tour.

Volunteers will not miss even one minute of the show, or miss any other arrangements they may have (like meet and greets). Please don’t worry and missing anything. But please note that volunteering does not entitle anyone to special access to Todd or the other artists. This is all about motivating people to become involved in Music Education Advocacy!

Here is the Second Leg of the tour information with links:

Please click here for a photo album of our volunteers during the First Leg of the ME/WE Tour.

Once we know who will be volunteering at each show, we will select one volunteer for each show who will receive the box of printed material and swag, and that person will report to the theater an hour before doors open (depending on the venue), bringing all of those materials to the theater and taking the lead in setting up the table display before the show, and removing the display after the show.

Since people volunteer through many different channels (email, texts, social media, telephone, etc.) we want to be sure we have not missed anyone or anything, and we want to be perfectly clear about which shows you are planning to attend (you certainly don’t have to volunteer at every show you attend, but you are welcome to do so!) For right now, we want to fill up our spreadsheet so we know who will be covering each show. Even if you have already let us know that you want to volunteer, please send Ed and/or me an email with the following information as soon as possible:

Your name:
Best email address to reach you:
Which show(s) you will be attending and willing to volunteer:
Will someone be accompanying you? If so, name:

Thanks so much for your willingness to take an active role in supporting Todd’s Foundation and advocating for Music Education! As we get closer to the beginning of the tour, we will provide more details!


Click here for information on previous tours.