Dear Friends,
The holiday season evokes idyllic images of music and celebrations, and in that spirit, it is important we recognize the essential role music education plays in making those melodies possible and the Spirit of Harmony’s efforts as a catalyst for music education advocacy.
I invite you to join our movement through your financial support and/or your personal grassroots involvement.
My Spirit of Harmony Foundation is dedicated to building a network of hands-on music programs, non-profits, corporations, artists and individuals, working together to elevate the efficacy of music education advocacy.
It means we build relationships that serve as the connective tissue, building bridges of support. It means that we directly connect needs to resources in furtherance of the larger goal to advocate for music programs to help level the playing field for children to excel in life.
Since a great majority of music programs are in need of functional instruments, we work closely with a growing list of organizations, for example Hungry For Music which collects new and used musical instruments, reconditions them, and distributes them to children in need. In 2017, Spirit of Harmony supporters collected hundreds of instruments and pieces of audio gear in more than 20 cities during a summer cross-country collection.
The Spirit of Harmony works behind the scenes to encourage organizations and programs to work together to complement each other’s strengths and needs. We make introductions, foster relationships, and seek creative solutions to the unique challenges of each local community. All the while, we take every opportunity to communicate music education’s measurable impact on many aspects of a young person’s life.
Whether it means working with D’Addario Foundation, University of Notre Dame, Quaker Steak & Lube Restaurants, instrument retailors, political leaders, local schools, and community service clubs, we forge positive relationships to support music education for children. We are proud of the impact we’ve made in the four years since we began, and look forward to an ever-increasing role in the music education advocacy movement.
To donate, please click here. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible (IRS 501(c)(3) status FEIN 46-4000828). We welcome one-time contributions, monthly scheduled/repeating contributions, and “In honor of…” or “In memory of…” donations, and of course we welcome your personal involvement. I also encourage you to contact the various organizations that you are affiliated with to see if it is possible to receive matching donations from them.
On behalf of our Board of Directors, Advisory Board, and the children in the programs we support, I sincerely thank you for sharing this vision and supporting the Spirit of Harmony. We wish you a joy-filled and harmonious holiday season.
Thank you.
Todd Rundgren
President and Founder
P.S.: For more information, contact Jean Lachowicz, Executive Director, Spirit of Harmony Foundation, at [email protected]. Won’t you make your contribution today, and help put a smile on a child’s face as you have a lifelong effect on his or her learning and earning ability?